10.07.2020 How to motivate employees as a manager? Corporate events are the best way to keep your staff active and increase their motivation...
23.03.2020 DUOL Company started the installation of two new very big air domes in the Gulf and in Australia.
13.03.2020 Spoštovani, žal smo v zadnjih dneh priča izjemno hitrim spremembam razmer v povezavi s širjenjem okužb s koronavirusom ( COVID-19 ), zato smo tudi v Duol-u aktivirali vse potrebne mehanizme za soočanje s temi okoliščinami na odgovoren način.
24.09.2019 What does a Jurassic Park and a Roller Skating Rink have in common? Both are covered by a DUOL air dome, making them the first air-supported structures in SE Asia.