Quick solution for roofless tennis players. Gernlinden, Germany.

Quick solution for roofless tennis players. Gernlinden, Germany.

Covering outdoor tennis courts in Tennispark Gernlinden

"We need a quick solution," says Ralph Matheiowetz, TC Gernlinden board member, when they were searching for new solutions for covering existing tennis courts.

Covering outdoor tennis courts in Tennispark Gernlinden

The air dome is now in place with an area of almost 1,800 square meters. It is covering tennis and newly constructed badminton courts. The construction of the Gernlinden tennis park facility differs from the vast majority of other air domes that are currently being built in Bavaria. While tennis air domes are usually used as a temporary cover for the winter, the dome in Gernlinden remains standing permanently. Their new slogan is “Playing tennis is simply fun playing - 365 days a year!”

Amperpark executive Georg Fleischmann in the air dome.

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