Jalgpalli pneumohall on mitmekülgne tuule- ja lumevari, mis pakub suurepärast keskkonda jalgpalli harjutamiseks ja mängimiseks. Need võivad olla kas aastaringsed või lihtsalt pakkuda talvel ilmastikukindlat ala harjutamiseks ja mängimiseks, mis suvekuudeks meie paigaldusmeeskonna poolt maha võetakse.
Our new, world-class indoor football facility is the first dome with the DUOL ECO Ultra membrane and insulation in the UAE.
DUOL ECO Ultra insulation is specially designed for air domes and extreme weather conditions.
It increases immensely the membrane insulation efficiency and reduces significantly the U-value.
DUOL ECO Ultra Insulation
Rotate, zoom and interact with 3D model of Duol Football dome.
Use this free, online configurator to cover your facility and get in touch with us. Enter location of your project and click start.
For any general questions you can contact us also by phone or email.