DUOL pakub teisaldatavaid kohandatud rakendusi kontsertide, turundus- ja eriliste ürituste korraldamiseks. Need pneumohallid ankurdatakse tihti paigaldamise paindlikkuse ja mitmekülgsuse tagamiseks liiva, raudbetoonist koormuste või maa-ankrutega.
Experiencing the adventure in our airdome in Austria. The first Urban Air Park in Europe.
Futuristic tour in Duol airdome. With Renault Kadjar
GamersCon, the biggest video games expo in the Eastern Province of the KSA
Compacto Evento DUOL y SAN FRANCISCO
»The Basel bubble« with an igloo-like DUOL temporary air dome.
Duol and Renault, Kadjar together. Great virtual-reality experience under the Duol air dome