Kokemuksemme kangasteknologiassa liittyivät Euroopan nykyaikaisimpaan CNC-puunjalostustuotantoon. Teknologiaetu on meidän puolellamme: leveä jänneväli, muokattavissa oleva muotoilu, korkea laatu ja edullinen hinta on nyt mahdollista yhdistää
DUOL DMS™ (Double membrane system) is innovative double membrane system, which offers improved thermal insulation and superior mechanical resistance. Thanks to DMS™ excellent insulation there is no condensation inside the hall.
CAD-competence and project-optimizing with internationally known engineers economic, ecological and esthetic solutions, individual design.
Lightweight and durable, DUOL fabrics are also recyclable. The unique industrial technology guarantees 100% of fabric components to be recycled.
DUOL wooden structures are built from natural, regrowing, sustainable material - wood. Our structures require less fossil energy in manufacture than comparable projects using other materials. DUOL wooden structures covered with latest membrane technology are durable and energy efficient. This saves energy and minimizes emissions. Additionally, timber contributes to the reduction of CO2 and can be thermally recycled at the end of its utilization phase.
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